Stand your ground


Stand your ground and see what the Lord your God can do for you." Nobody ever got control over the storm! But what makes a difference at all levels of life is how we direct our sails. Thing is you can never control what happens to you in life but you got control over how you respond. You've not come this far in life to retreat at the door of your success and happiness. Common friends stand your ground! Take Faith! Take Courage! Be determined! Be confident and do what you supposed to do. Don't get needy and Don't panic! Your dream! Relationship! Business! Career and life is about to take a flight to the heights of your dreams. Retreat won't make it happen! if only the Israelites retreated at the Red sea they wouldn't see the miracle of crossing to the promised land. So take faith as you move forward despite the Challenges before you, even though you can't witness God's hand at work but surely you will see God's hand after work. Trust in Godfor a miracle is just in the extra mile of your purpose. By Joseph Kayode Onifade